How you may (or may not) use this website

1. The owner of this website is solely responsible for any and all content, which is intended to educate visitors about my freelance writing, editing, and research services. The content may change without notice.

2. All content on this site is owned by the creator of the site, and cannot be used or reproduced in whole or in part for any other purpose without the explicit previous permission of the site owner.

3. All model projects created by the site owner are intended for reference purposes only.

4. The site owner reserves the right to decline any given project if she has any concerns as to the legal and/or ethical implications of same.

5. In the event that a given project is referred to a colleague, the site owner disclaims any responsibility should something go wrong with that project.

6. In the event that a client performs a chargeback, s/he automatically loses any and all rights to their project. The client also authorizes the site owner to take action to preserve her copyright, including contacting relevant school officials to determine if the model project has been used and posting the project online.